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Bad Lieutenant: Never Cry Another Tear

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Also Sink or Swim in der unplugged Version läuft bei mir auf Heavy Rotation.Ein guter Song!

Lots of bands have ripped off New Order in the past. None, however, have done it quite this blatantly. That's okay though, Bad Lieutenant have a pretty good excuse - they basically ARE New Order. As you may have read, New Order bassist, Peter Hook, left the band in a huff sometime in 2008. Apparently things hadn't been great between Hooky and band members for a while, and the whole situation was all kinds of unpleasant. Upon leaving, he pronounced the band dead and, well, the remaining members seemed to agree. But rather than sulking about it, they went out and got Blur's, Alex James, to join them on bass guitar and formed a new band - Bad Lieutenant.

The name may be different, the bass player may be different, but this sounds A LOT like New Order. Specifically, New Order-circa 1993's Republic. That's no bad thing. This is indie pop with just a hint of electronica running underneath the surface and the spirit of Manchester infused in its fibre. From the opening strains of Sink or Swim to the album's conclusion, this is probably the best record New Order have made in the last 15 years.

1. Sink or Swin
2. Twist of Fate
3. Summer Days on Holiday
4. This is Home
5. Runaway
6. Running Out of Luck
7. Dynamo
8. Poisonous Intent
9. Shine Like the Sun
10. Head Into Tomorrow

Quelle: citysearch sydney

Wenn man das so liest, kann man den Eindruck gewinnen, dass Hooky mit dem von ihm inszenierten Theater, schon sehr vorausschauend Werbung für BL gemacht hat. Wenn er das mal so gewollt hat.  ;)


--- Zitat von: confusion am 17. August  2009, 11:37:36 ---Wenn man das so liest, kann man den Eindruck gewinnen, dass Hooky mit dem von ihm inszenierten Theater, schon sehr vorausschauend Werbung für BL gemacht hat. Wenn er das mal so gewollt hat.  ;)

--- Ende Zitat ---

Und wenn man das so liest bleibt nur zu hoffe das es auch stimmt was dort steht...
"From the opening strains of Sink or Swim to the album's conclusion, this is probably the best record New Order have made in the last 15 years"

Triple Echo Records ist wohl Ihr eigenes Label.Bisher gibts keinerlei Infos über Artists und Vertriebswege des Labels.Mal sehen ob das ganze über Warner geht.EMI und Virgin wäre auch gut möglich.Gehört ja eh fast alles zusammen.


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