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  • Letztes New Order-Konzert in Buenos Aires: 19. November 2006

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #15 am: 19. November 2006, 20:37:59 »
Ey Jungs... jetzt belibt mal ruhig. Erstens haben NewOrder schon öfters längere Zeit nichts von sich hören lassen, zweitens steht der Film bald an, wo ich denke das sie eh als JD auftreten werden und drittens sind sie Dienstag in Manc bei der eröffnung... Ich denke das ist alles nur PR...
Alles wird gut. Nächstes Jahr hüpfen wir wieder zu den Klängen von NewOrder...

Barney (GermanOrder)

davon gehe ich aus,die Gerüchte mit den Konzerten 2007 kamen ja vom Oldmonkey.New Order sind ja für Ihre "Spontanen Aktionen bzw kurzfristige Konzerte "bekannt.

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #16 am: 19. November 2006, 21:22:22 »
... und drittens sind sie Dienstag in Manc bei der eröffnung...

Welche Eröffnung? Habe ich was verpaßt?

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #17 am: 19. November 2006, 21:28:11 »
Welche Eröffnung? Habe ich was verpaßt?

guck mal im fred mit der Eröffnung im manchester Arndale

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #18 am: 19. November 2006, 21:28:50 »
Welche Eröffnung? Habe ich was verpaßt?

Schaust du hier...

Barney (GermanOrder)

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #19 am: 20. November 2006, 06:38:28 »
Ey Jungs... jetzt belibt mal ruhig. Erstens haben NewOrder schon öfters längere Zeit nichts von sich hören lassen, zweitens steht der Film bald an, wo ich denke das sie eh als JD auftreten werden und drittens sind sie Dienstag in Manc bei der eröffnung... Ich denke das ist alles nur PR...
Alles wird gut. Nächstes Jahr hüpfen wir wieder zu den Klängen von NewOrder...

Barney (GermanOrder)

wehe wenn nicht! DU hast mir nun hoffnung gegeben, wenn da nix gehen sollte, bin ich demnächst mal in witten und werde dich ganz bestimmt nicht zum bier einladen wollen ;D

bin mittlerweile etwas hin und hergerissen. schreiben sie den score zum control film? werden sie ansonsten eine pause machen? hat barney überhaupt noch lust? und warum diese äusserungen seitens hooky? wollte er vielleicht nur mal wieder den schelm spielen und uns narren?

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #20 am: 21. November 2006, 10:48:36 »
aber was hatten dann diese ankündigungen mit südamerika zu tun? das klingt schon verdammt extrem nach einem ende... wobei ich das natürlich nicht wahr haben möchte...

Ich bin jedenfalls mit den Vikings in buenos Aires so verblieben, dass wenn ich in London sei, dann würden wir einen trinken gehen oder Alex sagte, wenn ich mal nach Manchester kommen würde, könne er mir Karten für Spiele von Manchester United besorgen. Es war überhaupt keine Rede davon, dass wir uns im Zusammenhang mit einem NO-Konzert noch mal sehen würden.

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #21 am: 21. November 2006, 12:17:11 »
Gehen die vikings denn davon aus dass es wirklich das letzte konzert, zumindest vorerst, gewesen sein soll? Die sind doch in der regel bestens informiert...

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #22 am: 21. November 2006, 13:52:45 »
Gehen die vikings denn davon aus dass es wirklich das letzte konzert, zumindest vorerst, gewesen sein soll? Die sind doch in der regel bestens informiert...

Wie im Beitrag vorher geschrieben, eigentlich geht keiner davon aus. Alex hat wohl die besten Verbindungen.

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #23 am: 21. November 2006, 16:06:11 »
Ich bin jedenfalls mit den Vikings in buenos Aires so verblieben, dass wenn ich in London sei, dann würden wir einen trinken gehen oder Alex sagte, wenn ich mal nach Manchester kommen würde, könne er mir Karten für Spiele von Manchester United besorgen. Es war überhaupt keine Rede davon, dass wir uns im Zusammenhang mit einem NO-Konzert noch mal sehen würden.

Alles Quatsch mit Soße... Ihr werdet schon sehen ;)

barney (germanOrder)

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #24 am: 21. November 2006, 16:28:11 »
Alles Quatsch mit Soße... Ihr werdet schon sehen ;)

barney (germanOrder)

Für mich ist das jedenfalls bis auf Weiteres abgeschlossen. Da brauche ich nicht zu spekulieren.

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #25 am: 21. November 2006, 16:48:42 »
Für mich ist das jedenfalls bis auf Weiteres abgeschlossen. Da brauche ich nicht zu spekulieren.

War ja ein netter Versuch alle zu verarschen. Ist euch auch bis hierhin ganz gut gelungen ;)

Barney (GermanOrder)

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #26 am: 21. November 2006, 18:19:16 »
War ja ein netter Versuch alle zu verpoen. Ist euch auch bis hierhin ganz gut gelungen ;)

Barney (GermanOrder)

Gut, dass ich hier nicht vorher vorbeigekommen bin - sonst haette ich mich womoeglich noch aufgeregt... ;)
Also, ich finde ein paar "richtige" Konzerte sind NO den deutschen und daenischen Fans schon noch schuldig! ;D

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #27 am: 21. November 2006, 18:30:44 »
mittlerweile bin ich wieder optimist! und wenn es so sein sollte, hätten die auf NOOL schon was gepostet. ich hatte dazu (hookys mitteilungen) aber auch gar nix gelesen. allerdings ist mein portugiesisch sehr schlecht.

obrigado!  ;)

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #28 am: 21. November 2006, 18:35:37 »
mittlerweile bin ich wieder optimist! und wenn es so sein sollte, hätten die auf NOOL schon was gepostet. ich hatte dazu (hookys mitteilungen) aber auch gar nix gelesen. allerdings ist mein portugiesisch sehr schlecht.

obrigado!  ;)
Haben die gerade.... Da steht nen Interview aus der argentinischen Presse. Ich kopiere ohne weiteren Kommentar. Thx to Almanso, der es übersetzt hat ins englische.

ere´s an interview on the argentinian newspaper Página/12 where Hooky and Steve say they should call it quits after Buenos Aires gig!

New Order might have said goodbye in en Buenos Aires
“The last live show ever”
Bassist Peter Hook confirmed what -until saturday- his partner Stephen Morris told Página/12 before the Personal Fest show. They say nowadays they look as the "old guys of the neighbourhood”.

by Roque Casciero and Mariano Blejman

“This might be our last concert ever.” Bassist Peter Hook talks and the show he mentions is the one New Order did last saturday night in Buenos Aires closing Personal Fest´s main stage. The interview in which Hook confirmed their split -at least temporary- to Página/12 it was given right before the band´s gig, in one of the comfortable dressing rooms in club Ciudad de Buenos Aires, where the festival took place. But before talking to the bassist it was drummer Stephen Morris who throwed the first stone when we reminded him that in 2007 it would be the 30th anniversary of the band, first as Joy Division and then -after Ian Curtis suicide in March 18th 1980- as main characters of the crossover between dance and new wave New Order. The drummer said they didn´t think about anything special for the anniversary: "We´re not very good in making plans. The good thing about when we started in Factory (their first label, which is shown in the 24Hour Party People movie) was that you didn´t have to plan what you were going to do. You could write a song and say "this could be a good single" and then release it two weeks later. You can´t do that anymore, you have to write and record an album... But the truth is that we´re not good planning anything, so i couldn´t say what are we going to do do next year".

–So, how´s the band´s present?

Stephen Morris: –I really don´t know. This is a strange time to be New Order... It was good a couple of years ago when everyone was saying we were "god-like geniuses" (New Musical Express gave them an award with that name) and the fans recognized the band. In some point now there´re a lot of New Orders around and we´re the old guys of the neighbourhood, so we should stop for a while and let them take our place.

–But the thing is that you´ve been a huge influence first as dark post punk as Joy Division and then in the mix of dance and new wave as New Order

–Yes, yes. I don´t know, it´s good to be remembered, it´s really an honor. And the influence is positive because we´ve been very influenced by Iggy Pop, The Velvet Underground, David Bowie and people like that, besides punk rock, and we don´t sound like them. But the influence goes beyond New Order, there´s like a new "new wave" or something like that. That´s why i´d like to try something different, although is not that easy when you come to certain age. Besides, when you do find something different it´s because you crash into it, not because you plan "hey, i´m going to do something different".

–That sounds like there will be no more New Order

–Uhmmmmmm... I could say there won´t be New Order for a couple of years, but as i said before we´re bad planning things so let´s see what happens.

–Are you going to take another 8 years like between Republic and Get Ready?

–(Laughs) What happened is that we got seven songs left from Waiting for the Siren’s Call (2005) and we didn´t want to make an album that was the rest of another one. Besides, WFTSC wasn´t a successful record for our label to say "yes, yes, yes!" but more like "uhmm, maybe"

–Do you feel like you did your job or something like that?

–No. The trick is not getting attached to what you do because you´ll be repeating the same thing again and again. Sometimes you just have to stop what you´re doing and get ready to learn again instead of becomming a copy machine.

Singer Bernard Sumner declined giving interviews in Buenos Aires, saying that he had a cold that we didn´t notice during the show. But Hook, who apart from walking around his trade mark sound for all the main stage also did a DJ set on the Personal Fest, was as honest as Morris about New Order´s future. “It´s time that we stop and think about what do we want to do”, he said. “It´s wonderful to stop when you have to do it. Sometimes when you´re lucky to have it all you don´t appreciate it as you should. So you need a reminder of how things were when you didn´t have it all. In this moment we do have it all, so maybe it´s time that we lose it, maybe to start feeding again. That´s how i feel.”

–Does that mean that your first show in Buenos Aires might as well be the last time you play live?

Peter Hook: –Yes, it might be our last show ever. It might.

–Or maybe it´s a matter of waiting another 8 years to see you guys together as it happened once?

–Maybe another 17, or 30...

–30 years is exactly your annyversary together next year

–Well, we´ve been 29 years together, i don´t think another year could make any difference really

–But are your personal relationships ok?

–Yes, yes, we still hate each other (laughs). It´s a love-hate thing

–Do you have other plans?

–Yes, i´m full of plans. I´m forming a band with Mani (Gary Mournfield, from Primal Scream and ex Stone Roses) and Andy Rourke (ex The Smiths), that is called Freebass.

–But you´re three bass players...

–Sure, that´s the secret (winks an eye)

–And the three of you will play bass?

–Sure! We´ve already wrote 17 tracks and it´s comming along very well. We hope to finish it soon

–Who sings?

–Neither of us, we have a guy named Richard, from Wighan, England. So far so good because we get along very well with Mani and Andy.

–So Freebass is going to unite the three most important bass players of Manchester´s history.

–The reason why we decided to do it was because everyone laughed at our face when we suggested the idea. So we thought "fuck them! we´re gonna show them...". There aren´t many albums with three singers, right?

–How´s New Order´s involvment in Control, the movie about Ian Curtis, directed by Anton Corbijn?

–I´m p*ssed about the movie right now because Anton Corbijn seems to be getting too much control, precisely. I would have prefer that he showed more repect for us. That´s what he should do. I don´t know, it´s ok. Anton is too pasionate about the movie but i think he should have a wider view. At the beginning he would say "come everyone to help" but now he closed the doors and sent everyone to p*ss off.

–So you´re not going to make the movie soundtrack?

–We´re supposed to, but the problem is that he´s telling us what to do. and if we don´t tell him how to direct why is he telling us how to make music? Bernard and Stephen seem to be ok about it but it bothers me a lot.

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Re: Buenos Aires: Das letzte New Order-Konzert aller Zeiten?
« Antwort #29 am: 21. November 2006, 18:59:44 »
Haben die gerade.... Da steht nen Interview aus der argentinischen Presse. Ich kopiere ohne weiteren Kommentar. Thx to Almanso, der es übersetzt hat ins englische.

ere´s an interview on the argentinian newspaper Página/12 where Hooky and Steve say they should call it quits after Buenos Aires gig!

New Order might have said goodbye in en Buenos Aires
“The last live show ever”
Bassist Peter Hook confirmed what -until saturday- his partner Stephen Morris told Página/12 before the Personal Fest show. They say nowadays they look as the "old guys of the neighbourhood”.

by Roque Casciero and Mariano Blejman

“This might be our last concert ever.” Bassist Peter Hook talks and the show he mentions is the one New Order did last saturday night in Buenos Aires closing Personal Fest´s main stage. The interview in which Hook confirmed their split -at least temporary- to Página/12 it was given right before the band´s gig, in one of the comfortable dressing rooms in club Ciudad de Buenos Aires, where the festival took place. But before talking to the bassist it was drummer Stephen Morris who throwed the first stone when we reminded him that in 2007 it would be the 30th anniversary of the band, first as Joy Division and then -after Ian Curtis suicide in March 18th 1980- as main characters of the crossover between dance and new wave New Order. The drummer said they didn´t think about anything special for the anniversary: "We´re not very good in making plans. The good thing about when we started in Factory (their first label, which is shown in the 24Hour Party People movie) was that you didn´t have to plan what you were going to do. You could write a song and say "this could be a good single" and then release it two weeks later. You can´t do that anymore, you have to write and record an album... But the truth is that we´re not good planning anything, so i couldn´t say what are we going to do do next year".

–So, how´s the band´s present?

Stephen Morris: –I really don´t know. This is a strange time to be New Order... It was good a couple of years ago when everyone was saying we were "god-like geniuses" (New Musical Express gave them an award with that name) and the fans recognized the band. In some point now there´re a lot of New Orders around and we´re the old guys of the neighbourhood, so we should stop for a while and let them take our place.

–But the thing is that you´ve been a huge influence first as dark post punk as Joy Division and then in the mix of dance and new wave as New Order

–Yes, yes. I don´t know, it´s good to be remembered, it´s really an honor. And the influence is positive because we´ve been very influenced by Iggy Pop, The Velvet Underground, David Bowie and people like that, besides punk rock, and we don´t sound like them. But the influence goes beyond New Order, there´s like a new "new wave" or something like that. That´s why i´d like to try something different, although is not that easy when you come to certain age. Besides, when you do find something different it´s because you crash into it, not because you plan "hey, i´m going to do something different".

–That sounds like there will be no more New Order

–Uhmmmmmm... I could say there won´t be New Order for a couple of years, but as i said before we´re bad planning things so let´s see what happens.

–Are you going to take another 8 years like between Republic and Get Ready?

–(Laughs) What happened is that we got seven songs left from Waiting for the Siren’s Call (2005) and we didn´t want to make an album that was the rest of another one. Besides, WFTSC wasn´t a successful record for our label to say "yes, yes, yes!" but more like "uhmm, maybe"

–Do you feel like you did your job or something like that?

–No. The trick is not getting attached to what you do because you´ll be repeating the same thing again and again. Sometimes you just have to stop what you´re doing and get ready to learn again instead of becomming a copy machine.

Singer Bernard Sumner declined giving interviews in Buenos Aires, saying that he had a cold that we didn´t notice during the show. But Hook, who apart from walking around his trade mark sound for all the main stage also did a DJ set on the Personal Fest, was as honest as Morris about New Order´s future. “It´s time that we stop and think about what do we want to do”, he said. “It´s wonderful to stop when you have to do it. Sometimes when you´re lucky to have it all you don´t appreciate it as you should. So you need a reminder of how things were when you didn´t have it all. In this moment we do have it all, so maybe it´s time that we lose it, maybe to start feeding again. That´s how i feel.”

–Does that mean that your first show in Buenos Aires might as well be the last time you play live?

Peter Hook: –Yes, it might be our last show ever. It might.

–Or maybe it´s a matter of waiting another 8 years to see you guys together as it happened once?

–Maybe another 17, or 30...

–30 years is exactly your annyversary together next year

–Well, we´ve been 29 years together, i don´t think another year could make any difference really

–But are your personal relationships ok?

–Yes, yes, we still hate each other (laughs). It´s a love-hate thing

–Do you have other plans?

–Yes, i´m full of plans. I´m forming a band with Mani (Gary Mournfield, from Primal Scream and ex Stone Roses) and Andy Rourke (ex The Smiths), that is called Freebass.

–But you´re three bass players...

–Sure, that´s the secret (winks an eye)

–And the three of you will play bass?

–Sure! We´ve already wrote 17 tracks and it´s comming along very well. We hope to finish it soon

–Who sings?

–Neither of us, we have a guy named Richard, from Wighan, England. So far so good because we get along very well with Mani and Andy.

–So Freebass is going to unite the three most important bass players of Manchester´s history.

–The reason why we decided to do it was because everyone laughed at our face when we suggested the idea. So we thought "f*ck them! we´re gonna show them...". There aren´t many albums with three singers, right?

–How´s New Order´s involvment in Control, the movie about Ian Curtis, directed by Anton Corbijn?

–I´m p*ssed about the movie right now because Anton Corbijn seems to be getting too much control, precisely. I would have prefer that he showed more repect for us. That´s what he should do. I don´t know, it´s ok. Anton is too pasionate about the movie but i think he should have a wider view. At the beginning he would say "come everyone to help" but now he closed the doors and sent everyone to p*ss off.

–So you´re not going to make the movie soundtrack?

–We´re supposed to, but the problem is that he´s telling us what to do. and if we don´t tell him how to direct why is he telling us how to make music? Bernard and Stephen seem to be ok about it but it bothers me a lot.

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ich schau mir auf keinen fall irgendein depeche mode konzert mehr an!!! lieber warte ich noch ein paar jahre...

allerdings ist das interview sehr aufschlussreich!!!